Friday, December 15, 2006

Much needed rain

Its pouring out today.........cats and dogs kinda weather. Its cold, too, for the beginning of summer, which doesn't indicate anything in my experience for Sydney. I've had to batten down the hatches so that it stays dry inside. The geezer is probably looking out his window right now and whingeing about it.

Unfortunately, just lots of drawing and sketching this week and not a lot of painting. I'm about to start on two new acrylic pieces, but will have to put them aside as today is designated packing day for our trip tomorrow. We're going to Brisbane and it'll be the grubby bub's first plane ride, first trip away from home and her cot. We're expecting some wobblies all right. Our girl's up there with the best when it comes to tantrums. Hmmm, I'm looking forward to getting away myself. I hope we get nice warm weather up there. Must take a novel in case some quiet time comes my way. Ha!

On another note, I just acquired a book called "Pattern Motifs, a source book" by Graham McCallum. Its a great source of inspiration for me as I'm now looking to include more interesting detail in the background of my whimsical paintings. The simplicity of the "three small lasses" set is fine for its size, but I think the bigger ones may be boring without the extra embellishment. I'll see how I go.

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