And so she blogs after all.....I've been busy setting up the etsy shop. Keeping my promises, you know. But I didn't count on the bub taking home from childcare what looked like a fairly innocuous snotty nose, which ended up being another strain of the flu. We were both out most of last week. And while she's pretty much bounced back, I'm still a bit woozy from the drugs I'm having to shove down my gullet.
Anyway, like busy I say. In between the medication taking, resting and snot wiping, I managed to whip up another smock (still finishing up the hems) and tripped up to the local quilt & craft show last week. Silly me forgot the dang camera, so I can't share the gorgeous quilts I saw. Suffice to say that there was enough loveliness there that I'm inspired to make another quilt, maybe finishing in time for winter next year. And you've gotta admire my self-control with the spending. So many beautiful fabrics enticing me left, right and centre......and I only came away with some bargain threads and a thread spool rack. Yeah, must be the drugs!
And then there was the disaster that probably should've happened earlier but only got detected a fortnight ago with accompanying reverberations till now. Someone "effin" reprehensible stole my credit card details online, bought a huge chunk of electronics from Torino, Italy, an Easyjet plane ticket out of Luton airport and a stagecoach ticket in Stockport. Of course, I tell the bank me and my arse have been in Sydney the entire time....that's not me gallivanting in Europe and splashing dosh everywhere, nab them, please! Oh well! I'm sure this story will have a happy ending sometime next month, since the bank sided with me...but they still have to follow their rigmarole and dot the i's, cross the t's. While that's being sorted I'm not buying anything on the internet unless its via paypal.
Hmmm yeah, one last thing. The shop's open...woohoo! I've only got two smocks in there so far. I've kinda underestimated how long it takes to list each item, so I'll be taking my time with it over the next few days to do the rest. There's a flashy button on my sidebar, too. Big thanks to a very talented graphic designer who helped me out with the button and the etsy banner! Thanks, Sven!
Now I'm off to finish off one more smock and have a cup of chai. Cheerio!
Hey cool!!! Go you AND me on etsy!
Do you have any clue as to how they nicked your credit card details? That's scary!
Yay!! Miamo is open for business. See you Friday!
Ooh, congrats on your new shop! Good luck Jade!
I hope you are on the mend! Sounds horrible. And the credit card?!? ACK!!!
I love the smocks. Really adorable. Good luck with the shop!
Hmmm....I've been wondering where you were! Glad you're on the mend. Very scary about your card -- luckily the banks realize that there are crooks out there and with some inconvenience, things can be straightened out. Congrats on your etsy shop!
Great news you got your shop up and running. I hope the crdit card stuff sorts itself out soon. I thought they'd had to give their name for the plane ticket? Anyway Glad you're feeling a bit better now.
Good to see the shop is open!! I too had someone use my credit card but they only managed to spend £60 before my card company cottoned on!!
Glad you are feeling a little better!
yeah you're open! have to see what is in there....and loading up does take time! I'm not doing my shop till after japan as i underestimated it! see you friday and good luck with the smocks...they are so cute!
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