The bib prototypes I ran up a couple of weeks ago were very well received by the little boy bub and his mummy. They're a lot quicker to whip up than I expected, so I've been using this as a project filler between smocks. It's also a great way to use up some one-off novelty fat quarters I had knocking about in the fabric boxes.
And now for some linky love....I've been keeping this one close to my chest because everything is so nice and I wanted to keep it all to myself....but only for a short while, and I think you'll agree with my sentiments once you see. Leslie from Nagoya (hear that! she's in Japan!) has opened up an etsy shop and its been going gang-busters. I've gone a bit crazy nutty over the fabrics she has in her shop. I think I'll be attempting to snag a craft book next. Aside from that, her blog gives great insight into everyday life in Japan, coupled with great photos and narrative.
Anyhow, I'm on a roll....gotta get back to the crafting!
Your bibs are so scrummy! I especially love the little goldfish one - how cute is that!
thanks very much, Jade. Now you have given me another link for gorgeous japanese fabric.
I have already been there and bought some more fabric for the stash and some trim that I have been after. And of course I need more fabric like a whole in the head.
Love your bibs - I make tons of bibs for people and I back them in chenille which makes them super absorbent.
I admit it - I have a bib fetish. When my boys were babies you rarely saw the same bib twice - one to match every outfit.
Hello Jade,
Your bibs are lovely!
Kind Regards,
thanks for the kudos.
i love sharing. so keep shopping. you chose some great fabrics. i'm anxious to see you use them for your creations.
Those bibs with the goldfish!! I bought this fabric and I love it and to see it made into something is just fantastic!
Found your blog through Claudine and Belinda. Love all your work. Love your art and your sewing. These bibs look so great. I wish all this blogging was around when my kids were little so I could have sewn up a storm with them.
You are making me want to change my big design Jade, yours looks so cool. I make my large, so i'll keep that, but the edges look fabbo, better than using bias binding etc. Thanks for the inspiration, as always, absolutely beautiful work. Love Posie
What gorgeous bibs!!! =) I wish my kiddies were still young enough to make up a batch and be stylish bubs! Love the fabrics - that fisgh fabric is just the cutest, isn't it?
A lightbulb moment!!
I was just admiring your store name at Made It and was wondering how you came up with it. I have worked it out. Clever girl you are!!
I love leslie's stuff! I should mention it on my blog, but I've been selfish too ;-)
I love the bibs a lot, do you sell the pattern by chance? I have been looking for a good bib pattern and can't seem to find one, but this one is perfect. Now to just find somewhere to get the pattern and snaps, then I would be all set.
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