It's from this japanese craft book, which has patterns for summer tops and some dresses. I've got a few more ear-marked from it.
Still debating about adding the little bow. Help! Should I add the bow or not? Here 'tis on the headless mannequin (bad photo, gah!) to help you help me. So indecisive!
I really like the fit of the top........and I finally got to use this linen print (from Tessuti) I've been hoarding for this very purpose. Hey! This is the first bit of clothing I made for myself in about 14 years. I must dig out photos of some of the doozies I paraded around in back then.
Apparently we're getting a preview of some summer weather today. Very timely!
Love the top - what about a couple of big buttons (ten & twenty cents sized??) but I don't think it really needs anything. Enjoy the heatwave.
go the bow! you can always take it off, although i do like the button idea! a little package of goodies is on its way to you as we speak!!(type/read?)!enjoy
I loooove this top! The fabric is gorgeous and it's such a nice fit on you. I don't think it needs a bow, but I'm a minimalist dresser, so don't listen to me.
I think the bow is a nice touch. Although I think the top looks great already as is, love the fabric! I like the shirred detailing at the front. It's a pretty top! :)
I really love your new top Jade, it's nice that you are sewing for yourself as well.
I adore the bow in the pic, it just adds a nice touch, but it depends I guess if you are into bows or not - hey tack one on for us to see and we can vote, lol.
gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! I'm thinking a button too BUT what about little one! all buttons go in keira's mouth!
love that top! its fun making something for yourself and tops and skirts tend to fit easily..its pants and shorts that are a bit hit and miss for me (unless my sewing teacher is there of course)
I think a bow in a nice (incompatible) colour could be the cream on the cake! The top is wonderful anyway! If you don’t like the bow, you take if off! Good luck!
Just found you via Samantha @ Plump Pudding.
The top is lovely and looks perfect as it is. If you think it looks a bit plain perhaps a single mother of pearl button will do the trick?
take a bow! haa ha. actually i wouldn't - go the bow that is.. I say covered button in contrast/sympathetic fabric or embroidered shape. looks gorgeous though - add the cardy for tomorrow's weather.
I love that top its so summery and cool looking. And you have lovely thin golden arms...I think you look just lovely!
Ooo, that is cute~
love the fabric. love the top even more. i'd say ... skip the bow.
I LOVE your new top! Love the gathers and it fits so well. I'm going a button or two!
I dont think it needs the bow with such a pretty print on the fabric. It turned out so nicely and looks fantastic on you too.
Love it Jade & that frilly dress in the previous post, all gorgeous!! Love Posie
Love the top. And, yes I would add a little something. I like Cath's idea of the buttons, but I am a bit of a button nut!
Love it!
Oh, and I think this is my first visit to your blog today, and I have really enjoyed popping in!
Thanks, xo
WOW! It turned out so well! I don't think it needs anything extra.
Oh this is lovely! I think it is perfect just as it is although a little bitty bow wouldn't hurt.
gorgeous top. and no bow! :) i am more of a "keep it simple" type and let the fabric and design speak for itself.
I say go with the bow. A button might overdo it. Right now, it looks very simple and nice.
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