Anyway, given all the busy bee-ness, I thought to inflict some new baby smocks on you, in linen and fairytale japanese prints. 'Cos that's all I've been crafting!
Four days seems a long time to be making just two garments, I know. If the bub wasn't around I can probably turn these around in half the time.
The other bit of info I haven't shared about these smocks before is the amount of hand-finishing involved. Very tedious!......but so satisfying when its done. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and although I wish I could go faster, I'm not really prepared to trade-off on the workmanship. Blech! I guess you all face this, too. C'mon spill!
More sewing is beckoning. Cheerio!
I guess I won't be buying a smock off you now...not sure how Murphy will look in it! But the ones you posted are gorgeous!
I love the new summer smocks. Because I am lucky enough to own one of your lovely smocks I can vouch for the quality of your work. It is so well made and you and I do binding exactly the same way - like quilting binding. I can't machine sew on binding without it getting all gathered and messy. I love well crafted work and yours is tops!!
Jade, these are just so lovely. You really have a flair for choosing nice colour combos.
I can see you are facing Springtime! Lovely colours and fabric-combo’s!
It’s not always fun being a perfectionist, but you must be thrilled by the result!
Too damn cut! I love them - they look absolutely gorgeous. Sew pretty.
Wow! The new spring smocks are fabulous -- just love the color combos. With a few exceptions (baby towels come to mind 'cause I don't like the had work on the nap of the towel) I'm like you -- I prefer to apply my bindings by hand. I love the process and like to take my time. You do beautiful work Jade!
Love, love, love your linen smocks!
Oh such gorgeous smocks. I love the linen too, wish I could find some nice linen.
These are so cute! I really ned to try sewing my girls some clothes.
Ooooh these are adorable. Seriously too darn cute.
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