So let me not tell you about about three wasted afternoons waiting around for cretinous delivery men.
And let me not tell you about the ensuing lack of crafting hereabouts......
....and why the sunroom/craft space is still out of whack.
Or the attempt at some late night sewing in the dining room, not.
But all is not wasted, 'cos I was gifted this massive haul of 60s and 70s vintage patterns from my lovely neighbour on the weekend. Isn't that so sweet? I kept offering to sew up some cushions or some such for her living room, but she just kept declining.
There were also fabrics, two of which feel like wool cashmere, but I have to consult with the expert (my mum). The ones above are a few of my favourites.
Here's a better look at the motherload!
Okay.....must get back to reality and some housework. Cheerio!
Great patterns. I used to love Style patterns - they were my favourite! There is nothing like a great find like this to make everything ok again.
They do look like fab patterns. I haven't ventured into sewing clothes yet, but it's something I'd like to get into one day.
BTW I love visiting here and seeing what you've been up too :O)
gorgeous, gorgeous patterns! we'll be expecting some sweet spring and summer dresses out of you now ; )
What an amazing gift! How cool that your neighbor got that you would love them!!
That second one down is my fave.With the puffy sleeves. How lucky you are! I also have a motherload of great 60's & 70's frock patterns if you ever want to do a swap!
What a lovely gift from your neighbour! Would you believe I made the 2814, 4895 and 2374 dresses? I started making my clothes at the age of 15, when I didn’t like what my Mum made for me anymore. My grandmother taught me how too sew!
oh wow! if you ever want to swap some of the larger sizes (12-16) for kids patterns you know where I live!
Ah...the precious! I love those mini dresses. My mum made her own wedding dress - white A-line mini dress with lilac daisy trim, Californian tan coloured tights, false eye-lashes and a bouffant up-do.
Need I say more...
Hey -- new clothes for you -- you're going to have some fun! I crack up when I see 70's patterns 'cause they're all back in style now. I sure wish I'd saved all those clothes I made when I was a kid... ;-)
Wow - that's a bunch of patterns!!
We love your blog and all it contains!! Keep it up! We are all allowed our little self-indulgencies! I mean when was the last time you saw something crafty actually happen on my blog!!!
Lucky girl! I would wear quite a few of those now if I had the time to sew clothes for myself!
That's an awesome haul. Are you going to make them now?
Wow, talk about love thy neighbour, these are fantastic!
I just love vintage patterns - I want to know if you are going to make some of those 'gorgeous dresses'!!LOL
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