You can imagine the trudging involved between the two iron seams, to choose fabric, to retrieve cutting tools. Very tedious and very noisy! I'm just going to give up any sewing this week until my new work table arrives.
In the mean time, the bub and I have braved the sunny outdoors for some fresh air....and some new kind of footwork.
And there she! Where's that leash?
LOL, she's seriously too cute Jade!
I hope your new table arrives soon :O)
As exciting as it is to see your child walk, you then realise life is never the same again, especially in shopping centres. My 4 children do a fantastic star scatter at the supermarket, good times!! Must be the week for sorting & relocating, as with our impending interstate move between Christmas & New Year (sounds crazy, but it's quite normal for military families to do this) i have totally relocated my studio from one end of the house to the disused portion of the lounge area. LOVE IT, so much natural light, space & we rarely entertain, so i don't care that our lounge now looks like a sewing factory, as in reality, it actually is!! I'll post some images soon as not only do i have new freedom & preparation work space, i have a husband who said "what the hell, take all the room you need". That is the best!! Love him, love Posie
I accidentally deleted this the first time! So this is what I said:
Just seeing that clean table makes me realize how bad I need to clean up my sewing stuff! I have been inspired! Oh, and I totally agree with posie, your life is never gunna be the same again! But it will still be lots of fun!
I am seriously envious of your new work table. I haven't seen that one before. Is high enough for cutting on?
Your bub looks so gorgeous - is that pink I see that she is wearing??!!!
I have never seen that gorgeous IKEA table before! I can see all your sewing machines and equipment line up on that table!! Enjou your bub while waiting for the table, she is a cutie!
2 piggies! oh too cute!!!!! she looks like a little doll I got in hong kong with 2 piggies and silky pj's!!!!
a new work table. sounds great. i love mine!
your little one is great, too!
You wish and wish for them to take their first steps and then when they do you wish they'd sit down!!! She is so cute - those baby steps!
Yay! Super exciting to get new workspace furniture. I just bought a cutting table (standing Height) about 3 months ago and I can't beleive I've ever survived without one! When I was 9 mo. preggers with my 5 yr old i can remember bending over on the floor trying to cut things. Bub is such a super cutie!!
I want to come and give her a hug. She is the most adorable little thing I have ever seen. And - am I about to get some studio jealousy? Are you so excited to get a work table???
toooooo funny - i was looking at the ikea catalogue last night and thinking how that would be the perfect sewing table! we might end up with matching craft rooms : )
Ooh, she's walking! Good luck Jade ;) And doesn't she look like Boo??
I think the bub and Daph would have waaaayyy too much fun together! Daph has been walking for 3 weeks now and it's hard to remember her not walking. We are off today to buy the first big girls shoes - I'm very excited on her behalf as I'm sure she'll turn her nose up at the idea.
V. groovy table for all your sewing stuff. Lucky you!
Yay, another sort of bub post! I'm a big bub fan -- she's such a cutie. Can I be president of the Bub Blog Fan Club???
Oh she is so cute! And I too use my dining table for both machines!! Thanks so much for explaining bloglines to me! I have registered and now just need to figure it out!! I've added some blogs and will continue each day!
Tori :)
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