Here's the added wordy bit to the last post. Please read carefully.
Edit: About the fabric, there's been so much interest that I feel the need to explain what I'm not happy about it. There's a very slight colour bleed on the print where the pears are. It's not very noticeable in the photo, but if you look closely you'll notice the pears have blurry edges. And no, it's not a blurry photo. That's where the colour bleed is....on all the pears. I only know that the fabric was less than perfect because I have it in another colourway, which is fault-free. Disappointed I was when I got this. So if you're still interested, I'll give it away to the first person that emails me at jade(dot)ghenzer(at)optusnet(dot)com(dot)au. No draw, just email me. **** The fabric is taken, thanks! Melinda, it's yours. ****
Clear as mud?!

Oh yeah! I'm only giving away the fabric (plus some fun goodies), not the bub. I was just browsing through some old photos of her this morning and since she turned two last week, the geezer and I have been floored by how much she's changed. These are photos of her at two-and-a-half months.
oh, she was adorable. and still is. lucky you! and that fabric. i totally understand. that is why i never sold it. the other colours turned out perfect but that one. just a bit off. but some people will still love it. i'm sure!
Shame about the fabric! That little girl of yours gets me everytime! I just spent ages looking at the pincushions link you have there .... aren't they fantastic!
Oh my goodness! She is so adorable! Cheeks so chubby! I mean, how could you 'not' make cute clothes to go with her cute face!
Happy birthday Little Gheezer Girl!! Time flies, but you sure will be glad you gave op work to raise this beauty for two years on a full-time base... and you sure will be very happy you are going back to work to have some grown-up conversations!
Shame about the fabric Jade.
She's just gorgeous and yes they get big super fast don't they!! Good luck for tomorrow, I shall think of you as head off to work!
Love your blog. Good luck on Tuesday.
I was going to say, the bub looked smaller than the last photo and it turns out she's a whole 22 months younger - that explains it!!
Happy fabric giveaway!
2 1/2 months? Jeeezzz, she looks so much older. I hope she had a wonderful birthday. Two is a great age (ok, I loved them all) in spite of the terrible twos! Funny stuff will start coming from her mouth LOL!
Oh Jade.... You're little girl was such a gorgeous baby, hell she's still absolutely gorgeous...
Jodie :)
You have such a gorgeous little girl there. I've come to say hi - after you visited me the other day - thank you for leaving a comment! You have many wonderful projects over here. I look forward to visiting regularily.
It is so nice to look back and see how much they have changed isnt it. She is so cute!!
ohhhh how cute was she at that age...still cute now of course!
I love looking at baby photos but when I hear a newborn cry I do freak out a little because I've forgotten what its like
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