I get distracted too easily. Hence the fabric triangles on my table. Some ginger blossom and a bit of el cheapo white linen from the stash, which I picked up last year. This lot has already been sewn into squares for a test view. It's passed....woohoo! I'm cutting some more right this minute. This, if it works out, will be the new couch quilt.

I'm still hurrying in as much crafting before I start work. On Tuesday. Ack! So many things to do in three......no, two days.
It's been a great weekend so far. I popped into my hairdresser today to tame the mop into something a "corporate gal" (I've been calling myself a slob for the last two years) wouldn't be ashamed to swan around in. Somehow my feet dragged me over to Tessuti instead of the car afterwards. I had been dying to see and feel their latest fabric rolls. And I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I managed to walk away with some japanese textured cotton (no fabric porn today, sorry), but not before I had a lovely chat with Colette about japanese craft books and blogging. I'll say it now and no doubt I'll say it again, craft bloggers are super nice!
Lastly, before I get back to my trusty roll-cutter, would anyone want to relieve me of this fabric? I purchased it online sometime back, but it didn't quite look the way I expected. It's a japanese linen blend and there's about half a yard there. If there's enough people interested, I'll do a draw.

Just to make it more interesting, I'll add some pretty fabric scraps to give away with the apples and pears. I need to clean out my overflowing scrap box before it creeps into the living room.
Geez, this post is jumpy all over the place! Was that enough free-associating for you? I warned you this was a patchy post.
Edit: About the fabric, there's been so much interest that I feel the need to explain what I'm not happy about it. There's a very slight colour bleed on the print where the pears are. It's not very noticeable in the photo, but if you look closely you'll notice the pears have blurry edges. And no, it's not a blurry photo. That's where the colour bleed is....on all the pears. I only know that the fabric was less than perfect because I have it in another colourway, which is fault-free. Disappointed I was when I got this. So if you're still interested, I'll give it away to the first person that emails me at jade(dot)ghenzer(at)optusnet(dot)com(dot)au.
I would love, love the pears...I hoard fabric right now more than I have been sewing but I'm working my way back to my sewing machine. Kids have made regular knitting more practical:) I have been lurking more than commenting but your ideas - the fun fabrics are inspiring. I can't wait to see the squares you have been working up!
The pears are lovely, I'd love a chance to take them off your hands. If you decide to give them away please throw my name in the hat. (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I love the pears too - they are really lovely. I can't imagine you not using them.
good luck with starting work next week. I look forward to hearing about it - corporate girl!!
Cute fabric, Jade! And I can't wait to see your new quilt. I'm just starting out to make my quilt at the moment (finally!).
I love, love, love the Ginger Blossom fabric range, so pretty and I can't wait for the Farmer's Market range to come out too.
You are very generous to offer the fabric. I would love to be in the draw for the fabric, looks really pretty.
Super cute Pear Fabric!!! I am always game for fun and wonderful fabric! With the big countdown to work I hope that you get all the sewing in that you wish to accomplish! Happy Sewing!
Nothing wrong with some beautiful pear fabric! What is it that you don‘t like about it? If you decide you really don’t like it anymore, I would love to swap it for something you would like.
Nothing wrong with some beautiful pear fabric! What is it that you don‘t like about it? If you decide you really don’t like it anymore, I would love to swap it for something you would like.
Hope your transition back to Corporate Gal goes smoothly for you next week! I love the Ginger Blossom fabric - hope you make some good progress on the quilt this weekend. I love the pear fabric - I am loving linen at the moment so please count me in :)
I'd love to join in the draw. I'm an apple & pear-a-holic at the moment. Good luck with work. Can't wait to see the corporate hairdo!
Can't wait to see what you've done with the Ginger Blossom - I love that fabric range!
I'd also love to be in the draw for the fabric. Would make a lovely pair spring pants or dress (for a few months away)!
Oh, hurry, hurry and post what you're doing with that Ginger Blossom. I can't wait to see it. Enjoy your last weekend {giggle}!
I would like to be in the draw for the fabric. I see it as potholders and a tea towel trim, a housewarming gift for a couple I know who have recently moved in together :)
Good luck with work this week Jade. Keep up the little person sewing - it's inspired me to have a go at a pattern for my little Daph!
Oh I am too late to put my name up for the cute fabric. I cannot wait to see how nice the couch quilt turns out.
just stopped by to say thanks for the lovely comment :-)
Have a GREAT first week back at work. I look forward to hearing all about it....and seeing your blouse.
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