Fortunately, bloggers galore, as well as show organisers had copious, no, excessive amounts of pics online, it was almost hard to choose which one to filch....ahem, borrow. I've even lost track of where I lifted these from. Naughty, naughty!
Also, what's with the quilt nazis? My friend and I were looking up close just to admire the stitch detail and the delicate fabric prints, when in swoops this little old lady brandishing her cane "don't touch the quilts! don't touch the quilts!" We nearly jumped in embarrassment. Well, I can't remember if she was waving something in her hand, but we both felt like punished school girls.
And these are the two that I coveted and wanted to drag home with me. Teal blue, turquoise and chocolate brown squares....

...and stripey yellows, oranges and pinks. Those pointy triangle shapey thingies are little applique houses.

I'm thinking of a quilt for the bub when she moves to a big-girl bed? Or maybe another one for the geezer and I? Or maybe I can make a quilt and enter it in next year's show (she says ambitiously). Then when the quilt nazi comes to try smack me with her cane, I can just say "it's okay, 'cos its my quilt. I can touch my quilt, can't I?"
Lovely post,lovely quilts, lovely colours. I enjoy reading your blog, you have a great way of writing!
The quilts look great. Oh - now you've mentioned it you'll have to enter the show. I bet your daughter would love the yellow stripe one - its so zingy.
Those quilts are great - the colours are amazing!!! I can't wait to see what you start!! Looks like the quilt show was pretty amazing!
Wow -- I love both those quilts. The first one for the colors and the second one for those subtle little houses (well, ok, stunning colors too!) A good eye you have, lil' dizzy!
great quilts!!
the trick about touching quilts at show is to wear cotton gloves. Than nobody tells you off.
And yes, go on, make another one!!!
ooooh, that squares quilt is divine, isn't it??? There is always reason for a new quilt, even if it is just a "snuggle under on the couch" quilt!!
Wow! Those quilts are captivating. I particularly like the teal/brown one.
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