Then the real excitement happened. I had known for a while that this was happening again in Sydney-town. So after reassuring the geezer that I wasn’t about to go hooning on the roads and letting the kiddo know I’ll be back in a half-a-day, off I went.

And I didn’t buy any fabric! I know! Must be PMS.
Had I bought fabric only, I would’ve probably parted with less. But I’m already putting some of these on the present pile for that big-holiday-at-the-end-of-the-year-I-don’t-want-to-name…….don’t panic.

This piece of fabric (and yes I said I made no fabric purchase) was a lovely gift from Jenny of Amitie who put it in my hands and ran away before I could gather my wits and my wallet. You see, I had been admiring this piece of Liberty on her blog a few months ago, when the new order got delivered, patiently waiting for it to make an appearance in her online shop. Here was me thinking “new summer dress”. Pretty!
But it sold out as soon as it hit her shelves. She remembered me when she spotted this last fat quarter.
Thank you, Jenny! That was very thoughtful. You shouldn’t have, but I’m so glad you did!

Here’s another pic of the loot. And I was restrained. Yarn from Lush Yarns, some knitting needles, platypus and quilt pattern from the lovely Kate (who I finally met! Very exciting!), hippo pattern from Cathy & Louise alias Audrey & Maude, Mixtapezine Number 8 from Justine

And last but not least ribbons from Tamara, a Craftapalooza apple pin cushion and the prettiest princess & pea skirt, all from Belinda’s booth…..the kiddo donned that skirt the minute she saw it.
Of course the best part of the show was catching up with old friends (even if it was just to wave and air-kiss) and meeting new ones….specially the ones that I’d only previously chatted with via comments and emails.
Exhausted happy, I was!
Hope your weekend is going gangbusters, too!
PS. I’m so out of practice, I forgot to lug the pic-snapper along. So you’ll have to make do with everyone elses’. Cheerio!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time Jade. I wish I lived closer so I could have popped in too. Those purchases all look so wonderful, and I actually bought some lushyarn online after Corrie showed her gorgeous yarns.
That skirt was meant to be mine, if only I had bought it on Friday. At least I know it went to a good home! See you in a few weeks.
Nice to air kiss you old friend! Your loot is hot, especially that fabric! Lucky duck.
Hee, was good to see you Jade, even if it was ever so briefly! Are those Addi turbos I see, great stuff!
Hahaha -- you ARE a geek! That launch must have been very exciting! Kudos on your fabric restraint -- what a good girl you are. I'm soooo jealous that you got to see so many of the bloggy famous too! And I LOVE that ADORABLE princess and the pea fabric!!!
gorgeous Liberty fabric - lucky you.
so great to see you again, if only for a short while - thanks for your help too. see you next year.
OMG I am so exhausted from all that fun..... wonderful to finally meet you since for so long I have "heard" of you (only good things I promise)
remember the door is always open.....
So, so nice to finally meet you! Ooh Liberty - gorgeous.
It sounds like a wonderful outing! I love all the things that you got!
I heard all about the rocket launch as it was happening - very exciting!
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