Sunday, March 04, 2007

My week in pictures

Last week, as I was hanging out in blog-land reading Dawbis' blog I came across her post wherein she suggests a game that all her readers can play along to. Each day of this week had its own image theme to be brought forth in a photo. Everyone playing along then gets to display their photos on their blogs today. So, of course I jumped in!

I'm displaying the following photos in order, using the original instruction headers, with a bit of commentary added.

On Saturday (February 24th or whenever!), photograph the first thing you see

This is the lamp on my side of the bed. Its about 6am (who wakes up this early?!) and its still dark......feeding time for the bub 'cos she's already making noises in the other room.

On Sunday, photograph something you would like to remember always

As if I'll only post one photo for this day's theme! As if!

Here are my most favourite people in the world....introducing the geezer and the bub. She's such a poser.

On Monday, photograph someone random on the street

Oops, I somehow had "stranger" on my mind instead of a random person.

Well, I couldn't get out on the street that day and my sister happened to drop in for a chat and a bite to eat. She might as well be a stranger! The last time she came for a visit (to her sister who's positively staaarving for company) was last year.

On Tuesday, take a photograph of your feet!

My smelly feet next to my painting of the bub's feet.

On Wednesday, photograph your lunch

Sorry, folks! It got eaten before I could say "cheese". That was my lunch....and that remaining nibble is a jam drop biscuit.

On Thursday, photograph the sky

That's the Sydney skyline as seen from a stone's throw of our place. The sky obliged with some dramatic cloud shapes before it decided to pour like sheets. We just managed to get indoors in time!

On Friday, take a self-portrait

Okay, I've gone all arty-farty with this shot. I had a hard time doing the self-portrait, as at the best of times my hair isn't the most photogenic. When you're looking after a bub, your beauty regime is reduced to a quick face wash and a swift comb. There's no time for the hair dryer or any make-up. To compensate for the blandness, I made the photo sepia-toned.....much more interesting. Looks like I'm about to go for the knives! He he he!

On the following Saturday, photograph the last thing you see before you enter your home to rest for the day

We just got home after spending the afternoon at another little girl's birthday party. I'm unloading the bub from the car and looking back to check that I've closed the doors. Nope. Oh well! The geezer will get that door.


That was fun! Huge thanks to Dawbis for the great inspiration!


Di said...

Hi Thanks for the comment! I loved your photos too and your daughter is just the cutest! Enjoyed checking out the rest of your blog as well!! My friends are just back from spending 8 months in Sydney and they loved it!


Anonymous said...

Great photos - and your little girl is the most adorable thing!! What a cutie! Thanks for sharing your week with us!

Dawn said...

these are great! i especially love the commentary that went along with the photos, really made me chuckle :) i'll be sure to share your photos on my blog as soon as more links come in :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos, so great to peek into everyones week!