Friday, March 09, 2007

Dang with the plans

Don't you think that sometimes the universe is just going against you? Or maybe there's a message that we're in denial about.

Three years ago, the geezer and I had agreed that we had just about had enough of pace, increasing rat race culture, expensive, keeping up with the joneses, impersonal, I'm sure you've heard it all before....coupled with the fact that I had been in increasingly high pressure jobs for the last five years.

Anyway, we had decided two years ago to settle in Brisbane and bought a house there with the intention of moving within three months. Then we got pregnant...and don't get me wrong. I loved being pregnant and being with my family while this was happening. I couldn't have borne it all without extreme stress if we didn't have family or close friends around. When the bub arrived, we had reset our plans to move up to warmer climes until after she turned one, which is in about four months.

Looks like the proverbial spanner has struck again...we just found out today that the geezer's soccer accident two weeks ago may have done more damage than we thought. The doctor found a rupture in his achilles tendon, which may need surgery. Dang! Of course, this means a longer recovery time than we thought. So, Brisbane may have to wait another year.

Okay, I'm done with the rant! We'll just have to bleeping get on with it, yes. Geez, that feels better!

Oh, look! Its another drawing....

...which may end up being a painting. In fact, I'll make it my next painting.

And what other fabric have I been playing with today?

Just some rectangular log cabins....

...which have made their way into a corner of this pouch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Owwwww - you just have to say the words Achilles tendon and I come over all funny - because they are never said in a good way: 'Oh, my Achilles tendon is just fab!' - there's usually a "severed" or a "snapped" in there somewhere...much sympathy to the geezer.
Meanwhile I love the new painting-to-be and the pouch is fab!