Happy New Year! We might as well do all the holiday greetings in the one post, since the blog will possibly miss out on them too. Poor neglected blog.
For you bloggy peeps here’s a new house block (sorry about the friggin poor light)…part of that sew-a-thon swag late last year? I know, I know. There’s been a drought of crafty projects round these parts. Lots of stuff cut up and started. None finished.
I can't promise to be regular in this space anymore, since I've proven abysmal with appearances. I've been too preoccupied with a new online obsession, too. Pinterest? Some of you would have seen it around the interwebs. I've been waiting for the invite for what seems like ages. So when I spotted it in the inbox I pounced. Best online invention ever! And if I go missing again, you know where to find me.
Hope everyone had a great time over the holidays!